Sara is a Japanese girl who calls herself Super Kid Drummer. She has some amazing drumming skills. Sarah loves the band Rush, who happen to have one of the best drummers in the world.
Sara performed as the solo drummer with drumless music, at US Army Japan Camp ZAMA on day for kids, Sep. 15th.
Sara performed as the solo drummer with drumless music, at US Army Japan Camp ZAMA on day for kids, Sep. 15th.
This drum solo was a small part of her performance on that day. Because this place is the camp of US Army, she played a bit of marching. She used the small snare so she can play it standing, (because she is small and we needed to show her to audience) but actually that small snare doesn't have enough bounce than the other snare. However, she had no choice.
It was really hot day than we expected, so I forgot to zoom her when she stood up.
She has been invited to play the drums several times over there. [source:drummerconnection]